Helping People and Businesses Clarify Strategy and Goals

Newsletter – Are You Choosing Comfort Over Growth Potential?

Are You Choosing Comfort Over Growth Potential?

There’s a saying that ‘only the mediocre are always at their best.’  If I accept that as truth it is a comforting salve because I certainly have not been at my best lately!  The fact is that to reach our potential we must grow.  And growth doesn’t just happen like it did when we were kids.  We must have a desire for it AND pursue it intentionally.  Conversely, life itself can be the catalyst for growth as it throws us various fast and curve balls that pull us out of comfort and set us on a path to potential.  Following are some insights and gems that I hope reignite your desire for growth as they have done for me:

  • The difference between where we are and where we want to be is created by the changes we are willing to make in our lives. – John Maxwell
  • The unimportant are always many; the important few. – Unknown
  • There is no heavier burden than unfulfilled potential. – Charles Schulz
  • If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. – Abraham Maslow
  • We’ll never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it. – Travis Rice
Two hundred words in this article could never do justice to growth, but if a two-hour FREE workshop called ‘Tap Into Your Growth Potential’ interests you, I’d love to see you @ 8am on Tues, Oct 22nd at the Arizona Small Business Association, 11811 N. Tatum Blvd.  Just download Enterprise University’s Phoenix Coursebook and register!

Ready to usher a meaningful, mojo empowering, momentum gaining change into your business or Team? Give me a call! (623) 581-1123.
“Champion’s Next Level Assessment is an excellent tool for a potential client to see the pitfalls and understand where and why they need help.” – Ruth Urban, CEO

Champion Business Consulting Delivers Extraordinary Results

We help CEOs and Organizations build a better team, business, and life through:

  • 1:1 Leadership Coaching
  • Team Trainings and Workshops
  • Board Meeting Facilitation
  • Strategy Development and Execution Services
  • Sounding Board Services

We’re great listeners who are proficient in organizing information and asking the right questions to help you grow.  Give us a call and let’s start a conversation!


Our Daily Bread

Life comes at us so fast sometimes that a soft reboot won’t do – we need a hard reset.  As my Mom and I continue to adjust to our new life together, I found myself in need of that hard reset.  This reset was more than better time management and well beyond energy management.  It was an adjustment in my perspective of how I face life …  daily.  A spiritual person, going inward is mostly automatic pilot for me.  But in this new season, I found it took some work!  My old ‘routines’ didn’t work.  The shower didn’t wash away the tears, and getting 6-7 hours of sleep didn’t refresh.  The disciples’ request to Jesus when they were lacking came to mind: “Lord, teach us to pray!”  As I reflected on that, the word he shared with them “give us THIS day our daily bread” stood out the most.  Carmen the long-range strategic planner had to slow down and put first things first.  And now I ask God and thank Him in advance for my daily bread.  I rejoice again in the ‘small’ blessings that I was beginning to take for granted.  When you’ve done all you can do and still find yourself lacking, I hope that getting back to daily fundamentals helps you get re-grounded as it has for me. 🙂

Ready to get your Team on the same page in the same book at the same time? In addition to 1:1 Leadership Coaching, we customize and deliver ‘how-to’ workshops that boost employee engagement and strengthen Team unity.
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Champion Business Consulting
1902 W. Union Hills Drive #42461
Phoenix, AZ 85080.


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