Helping People and Businesses Clarify Strategy and Goals

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Taking The Road Less Traveled

Taking The Road Less Traveled

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” While I am not an aficionado of poetry per se, Robert Frost’s free verse poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ has always held a special

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Building Readiness To Exit On Your Terms

Building Readiness To Exit On Your Terms

“Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” – Proverbs 15:22 Generally speaking, the term Exit Planning relates to transferring the wealth of a business while Succession Planning relates to a transfer of business leadership. Regardless of what initiates a transfer and which business

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Ready To Create Your Future?

Ready To Create Your Future?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker It is a proven fact that when introducing any type of organizational change, the success of the effort rests within teammates who are willing to represent and consistently promote team harmony. Leading these

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Get Off The Wheel And Do YOU

Get Off The Wheel And Do YOU

I’m sure we’ve all known someone or currently know someone who spends so much time comparing themselves to others that they are blind to their own unique gifts and talents. Sadly for them and for those who love them, they never seem to be able to get

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Tap Into Passion

Tap Into Passion

“Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible.” – Urban

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Vision As A Movement Or Monument?

Vision As A Movement Or Monument?

The United States has more than 100 national monuments.  Because of their natural, historical, cultural, or ecological value, these monuments are protected areas.  Like a monument, every business has a unique vision and value the business owner must protect to ensure success. Unlike a monument, this vision

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Profitability Through Onboarding

Profitability Through Onboarding

“There is no hospitality like understanding.” – Vanna Bonta We all understand that inviting someone to our home carries with it the responsibility to be a good host. It’s no different in business. Long gone are the days of handing new teammates a stack of documents to

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Are You Ready For Chance To Happen?

Are You Ready For Chance To Happen?

Readiness: the state of being prepared It has been said that chance favors the prepared mind. I recently met with a businessman who epitomized this statement. Having started, managed, and grown several businesses in the past 4 decades, he had many successes and a few failures under

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Your Planning Only Succeeds When Your Team Does

Your Planning Only Succeeds When Your Team Does

Planning is something we all do every day. Whether setting our daily schedule, planning dinner with a friend, or finding time to go to the grocery store, we are setting goals, forecasting, and developing courses of action. Your Team Is Your Competitive Advantage Successful companies don’t just

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Strategy Is Your Business GPS

Strategy Is Your Business GPS

A GPS’s operation is a good depiction of how you can chart and follow a course to achieve your business goals. There are two basic coordinates — your current location and your destination. Where Are You? This is the moment in time where your business lives. Do you

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Champion Business Consulting
1902 W. Union Hills Drive #42461
Phoenix, AZ 85080.


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